Saturday, 4 August 2007


Perched precariously on 100-foot cliffs between

North Sea and Highland Boundary Fault,

Guarded by a hard mile-long slog down stone steps,

Brooding Dunnottar unravels its contents slowly,

Tardis-like, larger on the inside than out.

Guardhouse, living quarters, barracks, well-preserved

Chapel and tower-house, munitions room,

Half-intact, half-ruined; when complete,

A natural safe-house for Scotland’s Crown Jewels

When Cromwell’s forces put down rebellions, post-Civil War.

Now thousands more Americans, Japanese and European tourists

Invade, armed with digital cameras and camcorders,

Shooting the architecture and spectacular scenery:

Dunnottar’s good looks, captured on-screen, supporting “Hamlet”.


THE VIEW by Erik Zoha

Silvery, sinewy concrete span

Bridging the silvery Tay –

Bisecting the photo of Dundee.

Lush, green Fife contrasts with grey-

Toned City of Discovery.

Unloved, unlovely Tayside House

Dominates centre-right, scraping sky

With D.C. Thompson nearby,

Separated by Caird Hall; memories of

Graduation, class of ’89.

Academic and office tower blocks

Jostle for space with church spires

That McGonagall would have described

In compellingly obvious rhyme.

And, in the foreground, ex-DRI, red-hued

And white-toned townhouses

Separated by lofty conifers

From limestone semis and terraces.

A Dundee snapshot overview seems

Devoid of life save for road bridge cars.

1 comment:

Scaryt said...

Hi there hun had a lookie at ur new stuff there really good the pavement art is excellent stuff eh! ive had a good nosey at sum really good ones on the net site lookin gr8 and hope to keep in touch chat soon xxxxx
tc eric xxxx